Thursday, April 28, 2011


I don't have any new pictures to post, since I've been busy with final exams coming up, but once those are over, I'll be able to draw and make jewelry ALL SUMMER!! -^.^- I have made a couple of things though, just haven't taken pictures. Because my friend Erica is treasurer of the UNR Rock Hounds club and they had a big mineral sale a couple weeks ago to clean out the rooms, I got in on the deal! I got really excited when she said they had raw opals and she saved them all especially for me! So I got first choice and though they were really cheap (and a few were even cut!), I ended up blowing $100 just on those, not to mention the rest of the stones I got. I plan to go all out on these pendants! -^.^- I've already done one, but I'm not putting a picture up since it's for my mom for mother's day, but once she gets it in the mail, I'll put the picture up for you guys to Ooh and Ahh. It's pretty, I hope she likes it :) I've also wire-wrapped a couple of more blown-glass beads. Again, I'll put those pictures up when I get a chance.

As far as selling goes, I've been doing pretty good! I've sold 4 items at Wildflower Village, a little store that I have a consignment with, and 3 more to a friend via Etsy. I made business cards and have been handing them out like crazy (and seemingly at random). So far, it hasn't seemed to help in sales except for my friend Susan. It turns out, she works for a tv producing company that sells jewelry on tv!! Of course, it's really high-end stuff and there's no way I'm going to ever be able to put my stuff up for sale like that, but she knows some pretty cool people and since she bought a few of my pieces, she says she'll wear them around and hand out business cards for me! Thank you Susan, you rock! :D  She also said that my pieces were waay underpriced and she sells stuff at work that looks like mine but for hundreds! I decided to raise my prices since it's probably the economy and lack of advertising that's not getting me sales, not my prices. And when I do make a sale, I might as well get some money out of it, right? :)  But you, my followers, luck out because although my prices have risen, I made a coupon code for you guys. Put in JIBUNWOSHINJITE at checkout and I'll give you 40% off! You don't have to tell me I rock, I know it :)

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