Thursday, April 14, 2011

My attempts at selling

I've been trying to sell my jewelry for a while now using various methods. I have my jewelry in an art store where if I sell anything, they take part of my profits. Although this is the best method I've tried so far, it's not working very well. The store I found the lowest pay cut is a bit out of the way and no many people visit (as far as I know) and out of the people that do visit, my stuff is usually overlooked. People just aren't buying jewelry right now :/ So I put up an Etsy. I've had it for almost a year now and I haven't sold a thing. I even advertised on the main Etsy page and Facebook and I've gotten quite a few views, but not one purchase (and advertising on Facebook is expensive!!)
I found a store that sells local artists' jewelry, and the cool thing about this place is that they will buy it outright, not put it up and give you most of the money if it's sold. But I guess the lady that runs it didn't like my jewelry. She said it was too expensive (it's not like I can lower the price any more, gold and silver prices are really high right now!) and she didn't even try to haggle with me on price, so I'm thinking she just didn't like my work. I saw Dee again and showed her some of my stuff and she loved it! She said if anything, it's underpriced, so I know it's not the price that's causing people not to buy, it's exposure. Either that, or people just don't like my work. I'm a bit discouraged, but I'm not giving up. Jibun wo shinjiru, zutto!!
And another thing you might want to know is that I'm a bit of a tomboy. I love making jewelry, but very rarely wear it until I realized it's free advertising. So I'm wearing a piece right now, my Cold-Hearted Pendant actually, and I've noticed a couple of things about it I'm going to have to fix, things I never would've realized unless I'd worn it for a day. Like, it has a tendency to flip over and show the back instead of the front, and that the two wires I left hanging out for decoration keep catching my shirt. So when I get home (I'm at school right now. I know, fun right? :/ ) I'm going to fix those. And then tomorrow I'll wear a different piece and see how it hangs and fix anything I notice on that. I've just discovered a way to perfect my jewelry and it's been staring at me in the face the whole time! ..well, if you want to get technical, it's only staring me in the face now because I'm looking down at it, but you get my meaning :)
 I've also made some business cards that I'm going to print out later today and hand out to people who comment on the stuff I wear. Also, I'm going to give away a few pieces to friends as long as they pass out business cards to people who ask about it. I think Erica's first on my list since she got one for Christmas, and I'm sure she'll help me out if I ask. I've also asked another friend and she said she'd do it, so I think I'm on to something here :) When I talked to Dee last, she mentioned sitting on the lawn or by the river and doing my stuff with maybe a few finished pieces with me to show off to anyone who seems interested in what I'm doing. I don't know if I need a license for that, but I've got a friend who happens to be a lawyer, so I'll ask him. Dee said I don't need a license, but I wanna be sure. Don't wanna get in trouble!
My mom also recommended craft fairs. The only problem with that is that I need a lot of work to show off, not just one or two pieces. So I'm going to have to get to work! But I've found an awesome site that lists all the upcoming craft fairs in Reno, has links to the vendor registration forms, and even has profiles of the local artists' and links to their pages! As soon as I get home, I'm going to register for that.
Again, a bit discouraged. I've been at this for a while and I can count the number of pieces I've sold on the fingers of my left elbow. But I won't give up. Ever :)

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