Friday, November 4, 2011


I've got some awesome friends at school! I drew another picture of Briar, which turned out awesome:
Yet another picture of my puppy Briar. This one was done in graphite and a little bit of carbon.

And I was showing it off to some of my friends and one of them commissioned me to draw a picture of her two horses. I finished this one:
My friend's horse. Also graphite and carbon

And I still have one more to do. But when news got around that I was drawing my friend's horse for her, I started getting a bunch of requests. On top of horse #2, I have 4 more pictures to do: two of dogs, one of a horse, and one of a person. And those are just my friends - my horsey friend said she's been showing off her picture to her other horsey friends and a whole bunch of them want me to do their horses too. So I gave her a stack of my business cards and maybe I'll be getting a few more requests soon. Also, another friend wants me to make her daughter a piece of jewelry for her birthday. I still have a bit of time to do that so I haven't started, but I did finish a necklace for another friend (I didn't take any pictures of it though). I gave that to her today and she's been showing it off to anybody who will listen, lol. I've already got one more (tentative) request for another piece. So as far as selling goes, I'm doing same as always (nada at Wildflower Village or Etsy), but as far as requests go and making and selling those, I'm doing great! I've never had so much work before, makes me really happy :)

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