Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wildflower Village Show

Today was a very interesting day. Me and my friend and roommate Chris did a show at Wildflower Village and we had a whole room to ourselves! (Well, I had a room to myself; Chris was just there to keep me company) I put on music, put out cookies, put my jewelry on display, and sat down to work on Rose. We got almost no visitors, it was cold and rainy and actually started hailing a few times. We had to leave the door open so people would know we were showcasing and not pass us by, AND the old heater didn't work! Lucky for me and Chris, the room we were in used to be a kitchen and the ancient oven still worked. So we turned the over on with the door open and before long our room was pretty cozy. And just about everyone that came in stayed for a while to get warm and despite not getting any commissions, w had a lot of fun hanging out and chatting with people all day. We also met a new friend, Doug, who was displaying his photography in the room next to us. He spent a lot of times hanging out with us because his room was so cold. So we made friends and like each other's page on Facebook. No customers, but I got some drawing done and we all had fun :)
Click here to check out Doug's work

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Sammy in graphite
Well, I passed out a bunch of cards at the Doggie Palooza but no customers and no call-backs. But dozens of dogs got adopted and I finished another portrait. Introducing Sammy, a black lab that was dearly loved by my grandpa and his wife until she passed on to Rainbow Bridge, where she patiently waits for her owners to join her so they can pass on to heaven together (although poor Sammy will have to be patient a little longer because my grandpa and Linda aren't leaving us for a while) I started and finished Sammy's portrait at the Doggie Palooza, time well spent. Sammy was relatively easy to draw, especially after drawing Emmett! This on didn't have a background for starters, and because Emmett was wet, the texturtook longer. kSammy was much simpler. The news even got footage of me drawing! Although I couldn't imbed the video in this blog :( But it was cool :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Doggie Palooza

So the humane society is having an adoption event called the Doggie Palooza and there's gonna be a whole bunch of booths o!f businesses promoting dog-related stuff. And I got a booth!! Me and my pet portraits are gonna be at the Nevada Humane Society on the 10th promoting dog adoptions and hopefully getting commissions - a win-win situation even if I don't get any customers. And there will even be news coverage! So excited!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I finished the last of my bus friends' pictures, a golden retriever named Bailey. Honestly, the picture I got was bad. It was dark in the room with the camera flash on, so her face and head were really light and everything else was really dark. You couldn't make out any of her back half, so I just did her head, chest, and part of her back. The picture was also really blurry, so I had to make out what I could and then look at other pictures of golden retrievers for reference of details (exactly what the eyes look like, what direction the fur grows, etc). What made it even worse was that I've never drawn long fur before and without being able to see the details of the picture, this drawing started with LOTS of research into how to draw long fur! But I think it turned out good and Sue was happy with it :)
Sue's dog Bailey, done in graphite