Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tinman and Bella :)

It took me a while to get to these portraits, but I finally got them both done. This is Bella on the right and Tinman on the left. They belong to the 'usual crowd' at my favorite dog park in Las Vegas. Of course, I'm in Reno now but I go to Vegas all the time to visit my family and I always take my Briar to this really nice dog park on Warm Springs. And there's a 'usual crowd' made up of a few people and their dogs. They come about the same time every morning and they all commandeer a picnic table and hang out together. And I join them when I can :) When I mentioned I draw pet portraits and showed them a few of my works, of course they wanted their own! (All of them dote on their dogs, it makes me so happy to see :) They said no hurry, so I put them on the back burner for a while. But now they're done!!

This is Tinman! I had a really hard time trying to get his muzzle right. The way his mouth looks in the picture, his lips kinda curl up into a smile, but when I tried to draw it like that, it just looked photoshopped and ridiculous. It took me a while to be satisfied with it, and I'm still not very happy. Also his eyes. His left eye bulges out just right (he is a Chihuahua after all), but his right eye looks kinda flat and the contrast makes the portrait look funny. Not my best work, but he's done :)

And this is Bella. She's a sweetheart Jack Russell Terrier who loves to cuddle and give kisses. I like her eyes, I worked really hard to make them realistic and I think I did a pretty good job. But I was not satisfied with her left ear. The shadow under her ear is so dark it pops out, it's like the focal point instead of her white fur, and I did everything I could to make it fade into the background instead.
I look at my past works and they're beautiful and then I look at my recent works and I'm not happy with them :/ I must be out of practice. I'll have to fix that!

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