Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A bit of history... :)

This was my very first drawing (thus the grid) and it has a bit of history attached. I've been drawing cartoons and manga since before I can remember, and when I tried drawing a picture of me and my siblings in 9th grade we all ended up looking like Bigfoot. So I decided to stick with manga ^^;

My very first dog changed all that. A few months after I adopted my beloved Briar (7 years later), I decided to try and draw him and this was the result. I decided it turned out pretty good, so I drew another one.

I was in college at UNR at the time, and brought my sketch book with me to draw in between classes. Well, a friend saw my second drawing and asked me to draw her horses. And then more friends asked me to draw their pets and before I knew it, I was in business! My beloved Briar changed my life and started my portrait business :)

My very first (real) drawing :) Briar in graphite

My second drawing, Briar in graphite with a carbon pencil to deepen the shadows. This is the drawing that started everything!

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